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product testing, viral marketing

The German carsharing company car2go needed someone to test their prototype bike rack and nobody else at work really wanted to do it. I jumped at the opportunity and roped my friends into the project. Bike racks usually work well with conventional "diamond frame" bikes but some struggle to accomodate modern mountain bikes, step-through frames, and unusual bikes. Knowing this, I recruited the strangest bikes I could find and lashed them to that car2go. For fun, I shared the tests via Instagram. The pennyfarthing picture went viral but I thought the most impressive load was the triple-stack, tandem, cargotall (read: enormous, weird bike). The rack performed incredibly well and the company appreciated the social media boost.


I don't know why I'm the person who always gets the odd little jobs at work, but I like it.




"Too Portland"
"Well technically a velocipede..."
tall tandem

© 2016 By Carl Larson

Many images courtesy of Thanks Jonathan!

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